Investing in the Schoodic CommunityMade with Xara SCF Bylaws (continued)Committee Governance1.Membership: The Committee shall have no fewer than 3 (three) and no more than 15 (fifteen) members, with a goal of having between 9and 12 Committee members who are representative of the Schoodic Community's constituent towns, villages, and occupational groups.2.Terms: Committee members will serve three-year terms, not to exceed a total of three consecutive terms. The Chair is responsible for contacting Committee members to renew terms. In the event a member cannot complete his/her term, the Committee will appoint a successor at its next formal meeting.3.Recruitment: At one of the two annual meetings, Committee members will discuss how and who to recruit to achieve the goal of community representation. 4.Conflict of Interest: Committee members have the responsibility of withdrawing from the decision-making process if they or any family member personally will benefit financially from the outcome of a particular decision. 5.Decision-making: All decisions about the awarding of grants will be made by majority vote.6.Dissolution: In the event the SCF is unable to function, all of its assets will remain part of the Maine Community Foundation for the sole purpose of benefitting the Schoodic community.